Latest Posts by Dave Carter

Even Bambi Benefits from Organic
By Dave Carter | 0 Comments | Posted 08/14/2016As I was headed though some Michigan farmland at about dusk, I spotted a couple of deer grazing at the edge of a field of emerging corn. Previously, I blogged about the family whose decision to go organic was driven

Wild Oats Affordable Organics – Non GMO to the Core
By Dave Carter | 18 Comments | Posted 07/25/2016While helping out on the customer service team for Wild Oats, I found the inquiries and feedback from customers incredibly educational. I continue to be surprised, though, on the steady flow of calls asking if Wild Oats Certified Organic Products

Honeybees Are Sending Us A Message
By Dave Carter | 2 Comments | Posted 04/19/2016There’s nothing sweeter that fresh honey, right out of the honeycomb. I still have an occasional peanut butter and honey sandwich; partly because they are tasty, and partly because my Mom used to pack them in my grade school lunch.

Real Comfort Food
By Dave Carter | 0 Comments | Posted 12/24/2015Nothing seems to warm our bones, and our souls, as much as a steaming bowl of chicken soup during the cold Holiday nights. It’s also warming to remember that every bowl of Wild Oats organic soup comes from poultry that

Giving Back with Wild Oats
By Dave Carter | 2 Comments | Posted 12/22/2015Giving back is one of the major themes of the Holiday Season. The Wild Oats organic food you’ve chosen for your family has given something back to someone very important: Mother Earth. Take that bag of frozen strawberries, for example.