Dave Carter

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Dave Carter is a pioneer in connecting organic and sustainable farmers with shoppers seeking healthy, wholesome food. He began his career in rural America as a journalist in small-town newspapers, but soon began working with family farmers and ranchers who were fighting to weather the economic turbulence in rural America in the 1980’s. He developed a passion for working with farmers who were pioneering the development of natural meat and organic food production. Appointed to the USDA National Organic Standards Board by Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman, Dave served as chair of that panel during the implementation of the national organic regulations. Over the past decade, he has helped lead the growth of the U.S. bison industry, has coordinated efforts to establish USDA organic regulations for pet food, and has been involved in several farmer-controlled marketing initiatives. He also has a small herd of bison that he maintains on a ranch east of Denver.

Latest Posts by Dave Carter

Only an Egg can be an Egg

When my wife contributed some money to a national charity recently, she received a free subscription to one of a variety of magazines. She chose Food and Wine. For the last few months, I’ve enjoyed reading the articles publicizing a

Some Trees are for the Birds

There’s a crabapple tree right outside my kitchen window. How it got there, I don’t have a clue. It sprouted a few years back, and I just let it grow. That seemed like a big mistake this fall. After all,

Spring in Our Mailboxes

It may be the depths of winter, but I know there will soon be spring in my mailbox. Yes, there is always the sour feeling of discovering a package from the Internal Revenue Service in the mailbox in early January.

Two Weeks of Stock Trading

Every region has special traditions and events that reflect its identity and character. In Denver, one of those traditions is just getting underway: Stock Show. Ranchers from throughout the country are bringing their prized livestock to Denver for a two

The Monarchs need your help

Mention the word butterfly, and nearly everyone will pull up a mental image of the distinctive orange and black wings of the beautiful Monarch. Schoolchildren for years have chased after these colorful insects flitting across backyards and public parks. Future

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