Latest Posts by Elizabeth Chatellier, MA, RDN

Eating Versus Drinking Calories: What’s the Difference?
By Elizabeth Chatellier, MA, RDN | 0 Comments | Posted 10/20/2016According to researchers, your brain registers liquid calories differently than it does from eating solid foods. For example, say you were to drink a tall glass of orange juice. OJ is naturally high in sugar, and sugar contains calories. An

Lovely White Beans with Rice
By Elizabeth Chatellier, MA, RDN | 4 Comments | Posted 10/19/2016Over fifteen years ago, the mother of my first boyfriend taught me how to make the most delicious white beans with rice. White beans add a wonderful body to any rice or pasta dish. This recipe is based on her

“Pick-Me-UP During the Fall” Smoothie
By Elizabeth Chatellier, MA, RDN | 2 Comments | Posted 09/29/2016These first days of Fall, I feel my energy levels running a bit low so this afternoon I decided to make a pick-me-UP smoothie from some foods I had stocked in my fridge and pantry. Luckily the energy-boosting ingredients, like

Non-Laborious Broccoli Salad Recipe
By Elizabeth Chatellier, MA, RDN | 1 Comment | Posted 09/01/2016This Labor Day I won’t be working at all! In fact, the night before I am hosting a potluck party at my apartment because my sister will be in town visiting from Austin, Texas for the holiday weekend, and so

Summer Salad Recipes
By Elizabeth Chatellier, MA, RDN | 0 Comments | Posted 07/28/2016A big bowl of greens to me is what a fresh canvas to an artist is—a great starting point for creation. The awesome thing about a salad is that you can put whatever you want in it. It’s yours to experiment