#AffordableOrganics Twitter Party 6/10/15 6PM CT
By Oatie at Wild Oats | 0 Comments | Posted 06/09/2015
Love Wild Oats? Ready to learn more about the Organic and Natural Food industry, #AffordableOrganics and how you can help? Then join our Twitter Party on Wednesday June 10th from 6:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. CST. We’ll cover a variety of interesting topics and best of all, you could win one of three $50 Walmart gift cards. That’s a lot of delicious Wild Oats products!
To enter, simple go on Twitter and join the conversation using #AffordableOrganics
Other than @WildOats, participants will include @BisonDave, @OrganicTrade and @OrganicCenter who will talk about hot topics like non-GMOs, organic farming, organic meal planning and how to make organic foods more affordable and accessible to everyone. Can’t wait to hear your questions and comments when we kick things off at 6:00 pm.!