December: Celebrate Health
By Elizabeth Chatellier, MA, RDN | 0 Comments | Posted 12/01/2014
December is a time of parties and year-end celebrations that are usually chock full of cookies, candy and other treats. A lot of people have been asking “How do I make it through the holiday season and remain on a healthy track?” In order to stay on track, make it a priority to celebrate you and your family’s health this holiday season. One suggestion is to make a list of all the reasons why you want to remain healthy through the holidays. Put that list some where you will see it every day, like on the refrigerator. Read the list to yourself every time you see it. It will help you remain focused on your goals; the focus should be on family fun, not just sharing food. This list will keep you motivated to stay on a healthy path. Most children have vacation from school during the holidays. Make this break memorable by doing things with your child that you don’t usually have time for: Take walks outside and look at the neighborhood holiday decorations. People put a lot of time and effort into decorating their home. Celebrate their hard work by complimenting them on the festive ways the show off their holiday cheer. Relax by reading or playing a game or doing a puzzle together. Even better if it’s next to a wood-burning fire! Take this time to reassess what is important to your family, and set yourself up for success in the upcoming year. Happy healthy december celebrations to you and your family! How do you stay healthy during the holidays? Please share with us by commenting on this post.