A Different Type of Farm to Table
By Dave Carter | 0 Comments | Posted 12/07/2014
Farm to Table dinners have become very popular over the past few years.
Generally, these events occur on a warm, summer evening, where the people paying for the experience gather at a local farm to enjoy a gourmet meal prepared by a professional chef and produced from ingredients picked fresh from the farm that morning.
The idea behind these events is to connect people with the farmers who grow their food. I think it’s a great idea. In fact, I’ve helped organize a couple of farm-to-table diners in my community.
But I got to thinking about the whole farm to table dinner idea a couple weeks ago, when I was out helping to build some new fence with the rancher who takes care of my bison.
The temperature when we started working in the morning was a nice shirt-sleeve 58°. Then, a biting, stiff wind blew in the dreaded Artic Vortex, dropping the temperature to 21° by the time we stopped for lunch.
Ray, my ranching friend, broke out his portable gas grill to cook up some buffalo burgers. Most of us were more interested in the heat from the grill.
Enjoying a gourmet meal at a nice table under tea lights strung between trees in a farmyard in mid-July certainly provides insight into one aspect of the farming lifestyle. Huddling around a small gas grill on a windswept portion of eastern Colorado in November provides a glimpse into another aspect.
I wonder if anyone would buy tickets to attend.