DIY Unique, Nutritious and Delicious Tea Blends
By Chelsea Vurciaga | 4 Comments | Posted 05/09/2014
Now that it is warming up outside, it’s the perfect time to relax and renew with a refreshing and healthy tea blend. Next time, instead of buying a premade tea, try making your own by utilizing some simple ingredients. Not only is this an easy way to unwind, it’s a perfect way to impress your guests during your next outdoor soiree.
Simple Relaxing Tea Blend
You can make a simple, relaxing tea blend by using fresh herbs. Just take a handful of lemon balm sprigs (about 8) and mint sprigs (about 4) and gently tear apart to release the healing properties. Then add to about four cups of water and bring to a boil. After simmering for about 15 minutes, you have a simple tea that tastes great. Also, try sipping hot tea in the warm weather like the Indian and British do to cool down. The warm tea on the tongue sends a signal to the body to cool itself off naturally.
Rooibos Tea Latte
When you need a little pep in your step, you can make an energizing tea that will help get you going and replace your morning coffee latte. Start with some Rooibos Tea, also known as African Red tea, which has high levels of flavonoids, polyphenols and phenolic acid that helps to boost your body. After preparing your tea and letting it steep for about 15 minutes, add a touch of vanilla (like one vanilla seed from the vanilla pod) instead of sugar to enhance the flavor. You will find that the vanilla really brings out the bold, earthly and delightful flavor of the Rooibos. Finally, add some chilled almond milk to your tea to give it the latte effect. Not only is almond milk great for those who are lactose intolerant, it also contains vital vitamins and minerals and is low in calories.
Tropical Party Blend
For your next party, skip the boring iced tea and serve an exciting tropical blend instead. Start with some hibiscus tea, which is a light and lively blend that is known for it’s great tropical taste and healthy benefits. In fact, according to WebMD, drinking three cups of herbal tea containing hibiscus each day can help lower blood pressure. After brewing your hibiscus, add a half of a cinnamon stick and a touch of agave to even out the tart flavor and enhance the natural spicy aroma. Your guests will love it!
Fresh Basil with English Tea and Strawberry
Not only is basil delicious in cooking, it can also provide the base for a super refreshing tea. Simply start with about four sprigs of sweet basil and lightly tear it to active the flavors. Next add two bags of English tea and boil the basil and tea for about 10 minutes in around four cups of water. Remove from heat and stir in about two tablespoons of agave nectar and set aside. Next slice up about three cups of fresh organic strawberries and add to your tea. You can either strain the mixture or serve chilled in a big pitcher. Another idea is to drain and then freeze your basil blend in ice trays to make cubes to flavor your cocktails or have as popsicles. Delicious!
Hibiscus tea may cut blood pressure
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