Getting Coconutty in the Kitchen
By Elizabeth Chatellier, MA, RDN | 1 Comment | Posted 04/28/2014
First things that come to mind when I think of coconuts are beaches, tropical adventures and body lotion. However, not only is coconut oil nourishing for the skin and the soul, it is an excellent addition to a healthy diet when used in moderation.
The oil that comes from this delightfully aromatic nut is rich in MCTs, or medium-chain triglycerides (fatty acids). The body absorbs MCTs without any effort on its part, and because of this unique quality it can be used to treat malnourishment and malabsorption syndromes. MCTs may also boost cognitive function, and has shown promising results in the treatment of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s.
Coconut is a saturated fat and therefore solid at room temperature. Extra virgin coconut oil, the least refined and the most delicate version of the oil, can be stirred into dishes being cooked over medium heat on the stove top. The refined version can be used with high-heat cooking, such as stir-frying, or dry heat methods, such as baking. Refined or unrefined, it is always best to opt for organic.
It will be worth your while to have some fun experimenting with this tasty fruity fat, all the while daydreaming your way into tropical goodness. Please share with us how you go a little coconutty in the kitchen.
For more:
Can coconut oil possibly treat alzheimer’s?
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