Getting More Out of Your Greens Part 2
By Karen Shepard | 1 Comment | Posted 06/16/2014
Better together.
O.K. So we know about Popeye and the amazing affects Spinach had on his physique, but what about his girlfriend “Olive Oil”? More than just a sidekick, she is the substance that inspires. Did you ever go on one of those diets where you try not to use dressing on your salads? Not so easy is it? There’s a reason for that. The urge to drizzle something oily onto your Swiss Chard, Romaine, or Kale is your bodies way of trying to help you make the most of the Omega 3, and vitamins A, D, E, and K that are stored there. In fact adding the right kind of oils actually willhelp your body utilize the essential fats and nutrients it craves. The question is – What kind of oil?
The Good the Bad and the Nutty – Oils
Olive oil is just one of several oils that assist your body in metabolizing key vitamins, nutrients and fatty acids. Some others are Canola, Flax, Soybean, Walnut, Pumpkin Seed, and Wheat Germ. Since it is the processing that robs most oil of its Omega 3, look for oils that are cold pressed or “virgin.” Buy as needed, and be aware that the lack of processing makes shelf life on these oils much shorter.
Omega-3 fatty acid green smoothie
Olive oil + leafy green vegetable
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