Could this be the healthiest food there is?
By Linda Bonvie | 0 Comments | Posted 01/07/2015
If cauliflower had a resume it would read like a NASA rocket scientist.
It’s one of those superfoods that almost sounds too good to be true. It’s good for your heart, can improve your blood pressure, help kidney function, and contains numerous anti-inflammatory nutrients. Inflammation is now thought to be a significant trigger of diseases of all kinds. So reducing inflammation is vital to good health.
Cauliflower also shines in the vitamin and mineral department. It’s a great source of vitamins C, K, and a bunch of B vitamins, as well as fiber, potassium, magnesium and manganese.
And it’s a valuable cancer fighter, too. One the compounds in cauliflower, sulforaphane, has been found to inhibit the growth of breast and prostate cancers.
So it’s obvious that this mild-mannered vegetable is one all of us should be eating a lot more of.
But, as I mentioned in my blog about healthy eating, what we know we should do, and what we actually do, are often two different things!
And that’s my new mission this year – to find as many ways as possible to say “in with the good,” and really meant it! And eating more cauliflower is on the top of the “good” list.
If you buy a whole head of it (especially those giant ones I’ve been seeing in the store), it can be a bit intimidating. So here’s a great way to not only cook that cauliflower, but make it so delicious that everyone at your table will be asking for seconds!
Amazing roasted cauliflower recipe
- 1 medium head of cauliflower
(Note: Avoid the super-big heads as they take too long to make, the outside can burn before it’s soft in the center and some won’t even fit in your oven!) - 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
- Juice of 1 lime
- ½ teaspoon Wild Oats organic crushed red pepper
- 1 teaspoon Wild Oats organic garlic powder
- ¼ teaspoon sea salt
- ½ teaspoon ground pepper
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Mix all the spices and lime juice into the yogurt. Rinse your head of cauliflower, shake the excess water off and remove all the green leaves. If the stem is poking out, trim it off so your head of cauliflower will “sit” in a baking dish.
Place the cauliflower in your baking dish and “paint” it with the yogurt/spice mixture. Spoon it, brush it, finger paint it on – whatever works. The idea is to coat that cauliflower head with our yogurt as if it were a canvas.
Bake at 400 for around 30 minutes or until it’s soft.
When done, your masterpiece will be brown and bubbly, and the cauliflower will be soft in the center.
Serve by cutting into slices.
Cut any leftovers into slices so it will be ready to eat the next day. And then you’ll have no excuse for not eating more of this amazing vegetable!