Mission Monday Challenge: Time for a Fiesta!
By Oatie at Wild Oats | 3 Comments | Posted 06/23/2014
Happy Mission Monday! Thanks so much for your participation in Mission Mondays – it’s been so rewarding to share our products and mission with you. We’ve enjoyed your tweets so much that we’ve decided to expand Mission Monday to Facebook as well! Starting today, you can play along on either Twitter or Facebook for a chance to win a prize pack of Wild Oats goodies.
Today’s challenge: Tell us one reason to throw a fiesta for a chance to win this Fiesta Snack Pack from Wild Oats!
If you’re playing along on Facebook, simply comment below our Mission Monday post (include link) before 11:59 p.m. EST tonight to be entered to win!
If you’d like to play along on Twitter, simply tweet us your answer with #wildoatsmission #sweeps by 11:59ET today to be entered to win!
Good luck! Full Sweepstakes rules and details can be found here: Twitter and Facebook
3 Responses to Mission Monday Challenge: Time for a Fiesta!