The Best Holiday Recipes for Mocktails
By Karen Shepard | 0 Comments | Posted 12/16/2015
With the Holidays on the way, it’s the perfect time to plan which “mocktails,” or non-alcoholic beverages are the right choice to add to your celebrations. Here are a couple of my favorite mocktail ideas from The Healthy Honeys that are simple, festive and feature healthy ingredients.
Zingy Cranberry Cocktail
- 1-2 Tbs. Apple cider vinegar
- 2 Tbs. Cranberry Juice
- 1 1/2 C. Water
- 2 tsp. Maple syrup
Stir together and drink.
Note: I love the addition of cranberry. Cranberries are loaded with antioxidants. They also are beneficial to urinary tract, digestive, and heart health.
Old-fashioned Sweet Blaster
- 1 1/2 C. water
- 1-2 Tbs. Apple cider vinegar
- 2 tsp. Black strap molasses
Stir together and drink.
Note: This recipe not only gives you the awesome benefits of ACV, but you also get the much-needed nutrients like; iron, magnesium, manganese, and calcium, that are in molasses. Molasses is good for your hair, and a safer sweetener for diabetics.
Tomato Cider Slinger
- 1 1/2 C. Fresh or canned tomato juice
- 1-2 Tbs. Apple cider vinegar
- 1/2 tsp. Sea salt
- A few drops of hot sauce (optional)
Stir together and drink.
What I like about all of these drinks is that even if you don’t want to make your own vinegar, the ingredients are pretty basic and you won’t have to go too far out of your way to try them.
There is also really nice recipe for a Cherry Balsamic Shrub (or mocktail) in the link to punk domestics (below) that has cheery and sweet written all over it. Could keep you off the naughty list, and Santa might like it too.
drinking vinegar – punk domestics
homemade drinking vinegars – pinch and swirl