Natural after sun care strategies
By Chelsea Vurciaga | 0 Comments | Posted 08/03/2014
We all know the importance of protecting our skin while outdoors, but what do we do AFTER we are out in the sun? The good news is that there are a variety of natural after sun care strategies that can help us restore and renew after a long day playing under the rays.
Internal After Sun Strategies
There are a variety of easy products that you can take internally to help you to recharge and renew after a day in the sun. According to WebMD, research has found that Vitamin C, Vitamin E and selenium, can help protect and nourish skin and reverse some discoloration and wrinkles after sun exposure.
In fact, according to Karen E. Burke, MD, PhD, of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine’s department of dermatology these powerful antioxidants work because they help to speed up our skin’s ability to repair.
Unsightly sun spots can be another consequence of being out in the sun. These little brownish marks can tar our complexion and cause us to look older. While some only slather on creams to fight sunspots, you can fight them internally as well. Beets contain betacyanin, which gives them their color and works internally to help fight ugly brown spots.
Also, gently cleansing the digestive system can also be beneficial to help fight sunspots because it helps the body to fight toxins. Black Radish and Parsley have traditionally been used by European herbalists to help clear mucus, metals and waste from the kidneys, bladder and liver. You can look for these ingredients in a variety of active supplements. Of course, make sure to check with your doctor before adding any new supplement to your daily routine.
External After Sun Strategies
You can also choose a Calendula product to help ease the sting of sunburns. Calendula Spray is a great choice because it’s easy to apply to sensitive areas of skin. For help soothing delicate facial skin after sun, there are powerful creams containing CoQ10. This age-fighting nutrient helps to deliver key antioxidants and fight damaging free radicals. In fact, research shows that CoQ10 helps to prevent or reduce UVA and UVB sun damage and increase cellular energy production.
Looking to use something that you might already have handy? Try making your very own Aloe Vera mask made from your very own plant. Simply cut off a plump leaf and cut it open to apply directly to the skin. Aloe gel has anti-inflammatory benefits and has been used since ancient Egyptian times to soothe burned skin. You can even combine your aloe with a little honey to make it go on smoother. Also, honey contains natural antihistamines that can help fight the itchy feeling that comes with a pesky sunburn.