New Study looks at how “an apple a day” affects the # of Dr. Visits & Prescription Meds!
By Dr. Daria | 0 Comments | Posted 05/12/2015
Apples are one serious staple in the All-American fruit category! And we have all heard the phrase “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” Just recently, researchers at Dartmouth published their findings from a study that looked specifically at this issue … does eating an apple a day have any effect on the number of doctor’s visits?
The study included over 8,000 adults who completed food and health questionnaires. The “apple eaters” ate at least 1 small apple daily, Here are the results:
- 9% of the participants ate “an apple a day”
● the number of doctor’s visits was about the same for both groups
● the number of overnight hospital stays was about the same for both groups - the number of prescription medications used was lower in the “apple” group
Here is the Study Conclusion: “Evidence does not support that an apple a day keeps the doctor away; however, the small fraction of US adults who eat an apple a day do appear to use fewer prescription medications.”
OK, so we finally have a scientific answer to this burning health topic! An apple a day doesn’t keep the doctor away. Now, maybe we will see the research study that looks at whether “An organic apple a day keeps the doctor away!” No, I’m serious about this. Both fellow Oatie, Aisleagh, and I wrote about “why organic apples” last fall. Aisleagh’s post opens with this sentence …. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away is a familiar refrain to us North Americans, but what happens if the apples are covered in potentially harmful chemicals”? Her post is fantastic! My post “Speaking of apples – organic really matters” goes into a lot of other detail, including the fact that non-organic apples rank #1 on the Environment Working Group’s Dirty Dozen !
If non-organic apples rank #1 in pesticide residue, do we think the health benefits of apples might be better if the apples were organic? Right, that is an easy question to answer. Apples are a deliciously healthy fruit choice. Fellow Oatie, Chelsea wrote a wonderful blog about apples. So, from here on out, I’m changing what I say to “An organic apple a day keeps the doctor away!”