New Ways to Use Foods from Your Fridge to Heal
By Chelsea Vurciaga | 0 Comments | Posted 04/24/2014
Have you tried using common foods to help you look and feel your best? And I’m not just talking about what you eat, but also about making tonics and topical treatments out of food that you already have. If not, open your mind—and your fridge— and discover new ways to use foods to help you!
Organic Tomatoes –Tomatoes are rich in beneficial lycopene, which has shown in studies to fight cancer. They also contain vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium and potassium and can be used topically to help draw out toxins. Next time you have a breakout try rubbing a cut tomato on your skin during the cleansing process to fight pesky pimples. Also, to help soothe a minor sore throat, try cutting a tomato in half and putting each side, juicy side down, on your neck right where it hurts. Leave this on as a compress for about a half an hour. I’ve done this many times and it really works for me!
Organic Onions –Did you know that onions contain as many as 150 phytochemicals including quercetin, which helps to dispel free radicals in the body? Take advantage of all these nutrients by making a simple onion tonic. Roughly cut three whole onions and simmer for about 15 minutes in five cups of water until the onions are tender. After you’ve removed from the heat, check the temperature of the steam with your hand (don’t burn yourself!) When it’s not too hot, pour the onion broth into a cup and sip it slowly while continuing to inhale the wonderful, healing vapors. This simple remedy can help ward off illness and get you back on track. I especially like doing this when I have a stuffy nose!
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar –If you find yourself suffering from mild food poisoning, try utilizing Apple Cider Vinegar. Simply put two tablespoons of Unfiltered Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in a large glass of water and sip it very, very slowly. Apple Cider Vinegar is a natural digestive tool that helps to balance the body’s ph level. It’s also a wonderful and inexpensive natural skin treatment. Try mixing a little with a clay based mask and applying to the skin to get a healthy glow.
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