A New Year’s Wish, from My Garden to You
By Aisleagh Jackson | 0 Comments | Posted 12/30/2014
“To such an extent does nature delight and abound in variety that among her trees there is not one plant to be found which is exactly like another; and not only among the plants, but among the boughs, the leaves and the fruits, you will not find one which is exactly similar to another.” -Leonardo da Vinci
As 2014 rolls to a close, hopes and dreams for the year to come are in the air, waiting to be turned into resolutions. Before committing to a particular goal, I like to take stock of the year’s lessons and see how they might shape the new chapter- some can be built upon, while others point in new directions. Of all the places to glean inspiration, nature provides abundantly.
This urban-garden-meditation came about from the miraculous recovery of a French lavender plant; at my old house, the plant bloomed incessantly, and grew to outrageous proportions. When I moved over a year ago, it seemed to go into hibernation- nary a bud to be seen. For nearly a year, it was dormant. I watered it and fretted over it, but neither seemed to make much of an impression. As with so many good gardening tips, the saving grace came from my mother- “Plants are like people,” she said, “when they are in the right place they thrive.” I moved the lavender further into the sun, a difference of 2 feet, and within a matter of weeks the plant was blooming.
Why is this on my mind as I muse on the year to come? Because both Da Vinci and my mother are right- each creation in nature is unique, and each have their own set of needs to thrive. This holds true for each of us, as well. It is sometimes true that the difference between thriving and surviving can be a simple matter of inches. Paving the way for loftier goals by making the easy shifts first is one way to stay motivated.
Each year, the top resolutions tend towards diet, health, wellness, and these are all good goals (I know I will need a green & clean menu to recover from holiday feasting!); more importantly than the what, however, is the who. Who are you? What do you need to grow, to support your efforts, to aid in your success? Are you in the right place to thrive?
Here are a few fun ways to stimulate thought: a quiz to determine the ‘best resolution’ for you, a classic personality test, and a few ideas on how to set achievable goals. Wishing you all the very best of luck in 2015- may you find your place in the sun and thrive.