Non-Laborious Broccoli Salad Recipe
By Elizabeth Chatellier, MA, RDN | 1 Comment | Posted 09/01/2016
This Labor Day I won’t be working at all! In fact, the night before I am hosting a potluck party at my apartment because my sister will be in town visiting from Austin, Texas for the holiday weekend, and so I plan on sleeping in and then sleeping some more on the sand down the Jersey shore come Monday. I tend to reserve Labor Day as a reset day for relaxation, to rest my mind and body briefly before the busy Fall months ahead.
For the potluck party I plan on making Broccoli Salad. And, as fellow Wild Oats blogger, Dr. Daria says, “Broccoli Rocks!” because it helps us detoxify, keep our system clean and healthy, and even helps us deal with air pollution!
Here’s my favorite version of this delicious, highly desirable, sharable dish:
Non-Laborious Broccoli Salad Recipe
One Head Broccoli, cut in bite size pieces and blanched (when you blanch foods, it preserves the nutritional value because the majority of the nutrients don’t leach out into the water)
- A handful of golden raisins
- A handful of raw sunflower seeds
- A few slices of bacon, cooked and crumbled
Combine ingredients in a bowl and set aside.
For the dressing:
- ¼ cup mayonnaise
- ¼ cup apple cider vinegar
- A spoonful of organic cane sugar
- Sea salt and crushed pepper to taste
Whisk together ingredients and fold in to salad.
I hope you enjoy this not so labor intensive salad with you friends and family this holiday!
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