Now Is The Perfect Time To Plan A Fall Garden
By Sebrina Zerkus Smith | 0 Comments | Posted 08/25/2016
The sun is high in the sky and you’re understandably busy enjoying the bounty of your summer vegetable harvest. So, you’re probably not be thinking about cooler weather and all the wonderful veggies a late harvest can bring. But now it the perfect time to plan a fall garden. A little planning now can stretch your garden’s goodness well into the next season.
Tips For Planning A Fall Garden
- If this will be your first garden, pick a site that gets full sun for most of the day. Shoot for at least six hours each day.
- Check your planting zone to help you choose plants that will grow well in your climate.
- Measure your garden space carefully.
- Make a sketch of your garden plan.
- Choose the plants you’d like to include in your garden, and make a plan for starting seedlings or purchasing plants from your local garden supply shop. Make sure to focus on organic!
- Determine the first frost date, then count backward based on the plant/seed information. Mark these dates on your garden sketch. If planting seedlings, schedule enough time for them to mature before the first frost.
- Make notes on your sketch about type and number of plants you plan to grow, and how much space each needs.
- Use your sketch as a guide as you dig your garden and plant your plants.
- Don’t worry if you only have a limited amount of space. Choose to grow vegetables that you like but can’t find in your local market. Or try growing something that seems especially challenging to you.
- Fresh lettuce, spinach, and peas aren’t limited to spring. Replant as temperatures cool in late summer for a second round of these favorites.
- Plant your garden in full sun with well-drained soil for best harvests.
- Spread mulch over the soil to help decrease weeds and disease.
Check out the list below for some ideas of what you might plant in your fall garden.
- Kale
- Spinach
- Arugula
- Lettuce
- Collards
- Cauliflower
- Cabbage
- Broccoli
- Brussels Sprouts
- Beets
- Carrots
- Turnips
- Rutabaga
- Radishes
- Parsnips
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