Party Healthy With Peppermint!
By Karen Shepard | 0 Comments | Posted 12/07/2014
Well the holidays are almost upon us. Candy canes line the supermarket aisles and grace our trees. While the traditional red and white sugar blast may not be your best choice for this ancient medicinal, there are lots of reasons to keep Peppermint Tea or Oil around during the festivities.
For those of us who might have a tendency to overdo it a bit at the family dinner or office party, peppermint oil can help relive gas, bloating, flatulence and even reduce liver fatigue. It can help activate lymph flow and drainage while aiding in the detoxification process after, “too much cheer.”
During these cold dry winter months, the soothing scent of peppermint can help ease bronchial coughs and asthma, assist memory, and according to Body Ecology, even help with emotional tolerance. (That alone puts it at the top of my holiday must list!)
Peppermint also has anti-viral or cleansing properties that can protect you from viruses like herpes 2, while simultaneously saving you from embarrassing bouts of dragon’s breath after a plate of liver and onion canapés.
At the end of the day, a drop or two of peppermint oil added to a tablespoon your favorite organic almond, olive, or other safe carrying oil can be massaged into your temples, lower back, and abdomen to relieve headache, backache, and digestive disorder or distress. As an all over body application, its essence can help soothe dry skin, eczema and dermatitis.
Of course every herb and spice has its weight loss claims and peppermint is no exception. If you are looking to curb your calorie consumption this holiday season, try inhaling. Peppermint. (Sorry I couldn’t resist.)
According to Natural News: “The Chicago Tribune reported a study from 2011 …participants were asked to simply smell peppermint oil every two hours. Apparently, the ones who inhaled the peppermint felt less hungry and consumed on average 2800 fewer calories over a week than the ones who didn’t smell the peppermint throughout!”
Looks like there are lots of good ways to party healthy with peppermint this season.
Natural News – Peppermint and weight loss