Planning to stay healthy over the holidays? A Special Event to help you learn about your immune system.
By Oatie at Wild Oats | 0 Comments | Posted 11/16/2014
Being healthy over the holidays would be great! But here’s a special telephone conference just for you, as part of our Wild Oats Community, to hear how to be healthier all winter!!
Join us on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 1:30pm PT / 4:30pm ET for a fun, Interactive Social Conferencing Event with Wild Oats Blogger, Dr. Daria. She was an ER doc for 20 years (so she has seen just about everything) and is also board-certified in Integrative/Holistic Medicine.
This 25 minute event will be like nothing you’ve experienced before as Dr. D. will take us through some topics about our immune systems. She’ll be polling the group frequently, and based on our answers, she’ll cover different things. What kind of things? Well, here are some possibilities:
- What is our immune system?
- What are the benefits of a healthy immune system?
- What are the dangers of a weak immune system?
- What is an auto-immune disorder?
- What can I do to support my healthy immune function?
- Do children need extra things to support their immune function?
The Maestro Conference technology we’ll be using takes the concept of Crowd Sourcing in a whole new direction! You can just listen in or help guide the conversation to focus on what you want to hear about in real-time either on your phone or computer and the results will be available instantly!
You’ll have your own personal access code so each person gets one vote. The 25 minutes will fly by and you’ll definitely learn a few things as the group, you included, chooses what topics to cover.
To reserve your seat at this Special Event Register Here and get on the path to a healthier immune system and a healthier holiday season.