Preparing for Earth Day 2015
By Anthony Zolezzi | 0 Comments | Posted 04/20/2015
Yesterday I attended the Earth Day, Earth Fair in San Diego’s Balboa Park. It was the 25th anniversary and it felt like the entire city had come out to celebrate. Although getting into the parking lot was challenging, once there, it proved to be quite an enjoyable Zen- type scene.
While roaming around, I couldn’t help but reflect on how much I love being in an environment where so many people advocate change – hanging out in crazy costumes, dancing and playing music. I personally wasn’t of age for Woodstock, but I imagine it must have felt something like this.
I ran into many old friends and found quite a few t-shirts that were so compelling I just had to buy them. Organic food messaging was prominent everywhere, along with recycling and re-use products. Wild Oats got several exciting shout-outs for lowering the price of organic food, and watching rapper Virtuoso do his thing made me really think about organic movement messaging. More to come there.
I gave Virtuoso a Wild Oats t-shirt and some Wild Oats products and thanked him for advocating change through a medium like rap. He has quite the talent, and I really like his approach to getting important messages out in a different medium like rap.
All in all, the number of people out supporting Earth Day was overwhelming and at the same time very encouraging. As my Earth Day Blog on Wednesday will accentuate, we have a lot to be grateful for this year on Earth Day 2015.
Well that’s it from San Diego — Go Organics and Happy Earth Day!