Rosemary Remedies
By Karen Shepard | 0 Comments | Posted 06/01/2014
Does your mind leap to sunny patio gardens in Italy, or aromatic breads and succulent stews? Of course it does. Hard to believe this well known herb, now common in most of the world, was once an exotic. Thought originally to have been sent to her daughter in England by the Countess of Hainault, Rosemary is now widely used in soaps, shampoos and lotions the world over. But this fragrant flowering plant, once prized by aristocrats such as The Queen of Hungary, and Queen Anne of Cleves has so much more to offer.
Current studies have confirmed that Rosmarinus Officinalis, a relative to mint, has the natural ability to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, boost the immune system, reduce headaches and anxiety, slow the growth of certain fungi, lessen the severity of asthma, and improve memory and concentration. The essential oil can be used to relieve muscle pain and even promote hair growth. Rosemary Tea is a good remedy for colic, aiding in digestion and elimination and is naturally high in iron, calcium, and vitamin B6.
Easy to grow and perennial in many places, rosemary is a must have for the kitchen garden.
Note: This is NOT just another ground cover!
Learn More:
University of Maryland Medical Center http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/herb/rosemary
Fun historical factoids http://www.botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/r/rosema17.html