This year I promise to…
By Linda Bonvie | 0 Comments | Posted 01/04/2015
You can fill in the blank however you want. But I promise to eat more vegetables.
I know, it sounds simple. You buy veggies, you eat those veggies.
But more times than I care to admit, those beautiful vegetables, selected with such care, were left to languish in the fridge. And they don’t go quietly, either.
They always seem to taunt me with their fading, but still healthy glow each time I open the refrigerator door to look for something to munch on.
It made me think that buying all these fresh veggies can be as much a false promise to ourselves as that gym membership. (Remember how you were going to work out every…single…day?)
So last night, I said enough is enough. I had gone out of my way to purchase the most gorgeous, organic broccoli ever. And there it was, still sitting in the veggie bin, keeping company with a lovely but lonely pomegranate that should have been opened a week ago.
The idea of just a steamed side of broccoli didn’t grab me, but a broccoli dinner omelet did. And it was a hit, even with a broccoli naysayer in the house.
So maybe the answer (for me, anyway) is to look for some new, and sometimes even sneaky ways to eat more fruits and vegetables.
Oh, and have it be so delicious, fast and easy that we’ll all be running to the store or farmers market to stock up on more!
Simply broccoli omelet recipe
Serves 2
- One stalk of organic broccoli
- 4 or 5 eggs – depending on their size
- Organic olive oil or coconut oil to grease your skillet
- Salt and pepper to taste
Note: Omelets cook best made one at a time.
Whip eggs till blended.
Cut the broccoli florets off the stalk and chop until the pieces are pretty small. Discard any small stalk pieces you might find. The idea is to keep all your chopped broccoli the same size so it will cook evenly. I ended up with about a cup of chopped broccoli.
Add the chopped broccoli to your blended eggs.
Lightly grease a skillet and preheat for a minute. Your pan doesn’t need to be broiling hot (that can burn your omelet). And the best choice is a non-stick skillet.
Add half of your egg/broccoli mixture to the pan and let it “set” for a minute or so, and then with a spatula, fold one side of your omelet to the center while tilting the pan slightly to let any liquid egg flow out.
Do the same thing on the other side. You should now have a neat looking “folded” omelet.
Flip the whole thing over to cook any additional loose egg mixture in the center, add salt and pepper to taste.
Repeat for second omelet.
You’ve just whipped up something that is super-high in vitamins K and C, as well as a host of really good-for-you B vitamins, gotten lots of chromium and fiber, and saved a wonderful stalk of broccoli from fading away into refrigerated oblivion.
Good job—if I don’t say so myself!