Garlic: The Wonderfully Stinky Healer

Garlic bulb and cloves over wood background

In spite of the often breath-scorching results of eating of garlic, it has been prized for over 7,000 years for its intense flavor and aroma. Possibly even because of the stink, this member of the onion family –a close relative of

Consider Capers For Flavor, Romance and Health!

If you have been out of town for the past few years – like say on Jupiter, you may have missed some of the excitement about the Mediterranean diet. Along with its cousin Paleo, the Mediterranean way has attracted a

Try Baked Chicken With Fresh Caprese Sauce Recipe Tonight

If you’re like me, even though winter is coming to a close, you can feel spring getting ready to, well, spring. So you might like this Baked Chicken With Fresh Caprese Sauce Recipe. It’s light enough to remind you that

15 Odd Vinegar Lifehacks

Who knew this pantry staple was so versatile?  Here are some surprisingly strange and wonderful everyday uses for vinegar. Did you know vinegar can:  1. Help You Lose Weight by drinking a mixture of one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar

Breathe The Weight Off?

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could just breathe the weight off? Well, there is research to suggest that is exactly what we are doing when we lose weight. Wait, what about calories and counting steps and all of that? According

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