Easy Peasy Sweet Pea Soup Recipe
By Elizabeth Chatellier, MA, RDN | 0 Comments | Posted 01/07/2016Easy Peasy Sweet Pea Soup Recipe Serves 4 4 cups Wild Oats Marketplace Organic Reduced Sodium Chicken Broth 1 15 ounce can Wild Oats organic Sweet Peas 8 ounces diced ham, low sodium 1 Tablespoon Wild Oats organic Cumin 1

Affordable Easy One Dish Meal: Chili Mac
By Liz Latham | 1 Comment | Posted 01/04/2016When our schedules are at their fullest, we tend to think it’s easier to dine out or order pizza for dinner. This always blows a hole into our budgets and our waistline. It is important to me, and I’m sure

Is Detoxing Really Necessary?
By Sebrina Zerkus Smith | 0 Comments | Posted 12/28/2015With the New Year approaching, many people will hop on the detox train to try to lose a few extra pounds and feel a bit better. But there are pros and cons to detoxing as a way to lose weight

Real Comfort Food
By Dave Carter | 0 Comments | Posted 12/24/2015Nothing seems to warm our bones, and our souls, as much as a steaming bowl of chicken soup during the cold Holiday nights. It’s also warming to remember that every bowl of Wild Oats organic soup comes from poultry that

Giving Back with Wild Oats
By Dave Carter | 2 Comments | Posted 12/22/2015Giving back is one of the major themes of the Holiday Season. The Wild Oats organic food you’ve chosen for your family has given something back to someone very important: Mother Earth. Take that bag of frozen strawberries, for example.