What’s up with Agave?

Agave is a natural sweetener that comes from the succulent plant traditionally used to make tequila. I used to recommend that my diabetic patients use agave as an alternative to white sugar or high fructose corn syrup because it has

Internal Spring Cleaning

With the arrival of spring, it’s the perfect time to do a little internal spring cleaning of your own. Here are some simple ways to detox your body just in time for all that warm weather fun! Digestive Cleansing One

Juicing to Beat the Heat

A quick apology to those for whom Spring has yet to be sprung, but here in Los Angeles it is hot as hades. Between the heat outside and the lack of AC inside, I find my appetite wilting along with

Organic Rulemaking is Quite a Spectator Sport

Anyone who believes that the rules governing organic food are developed by some type of secret cabal has probably never attended a meeting of the USDA’s National Organic Standards Board. When Congress enacted the Organic Foods Production Act 24 years

Don’t Be A Dummy, Wash Your Reusable Bags

In this day and age, I shouldn’t have to remind y’all, all y’all–to wash your reusable bags.  I mean, really, you wouldn’t wear the same clothes every day, would you?  Okay, who washes their jeans–but seriously, people!  What you’re bringing

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