Just Show Up

Group Of Friends Sitting Around Table Having Dinner Party

Today, I reinforced, for myself, a very important part of life. I think it’s worth talking about — how important it is to Just Show Up. Whether you want to or not, if invited or asked, always, just show up.

Baked Pecan Chicken Tenders

Summer, to me, means simplifying the dinner hour so that I can spend as much time as possible enjoying the warm sunshine and time with my family.  The easiest way I have found to create a dinner our whole family

Mulberries: An amazing superfood with folk-medicine-legend status

For most folks, their first contact with the mulberry came via a child’s rhyme. However, mulberry trees, not bushes, have long been a serious player on the folk medicine and natural nutrition fronts, along with a mainstay of the Far

The Nutritional Benefits of Wild Oats Organic Applesauce

Applesauce Nutrition Tidbit: Astronaut John Glenn, who was the first American to orbit the Earth, brought pureed applesauce in squeezable tubes on his initial space flight, proving that applesauce is a food that’s nutritionally out of this world!   The Nutritional

What Is Masa Harina?

masa harina flour on a black soapstone surface

If you’re not familiar with Mexican or Tex-Mex cooking, you may not have heard of Masa Harina. It’s a fine corn flour used in making traditional tortillas and tamales. Masa Harina literally translates to mean “dough flour.” It is made

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